Alex's Special Day

Posted by Clayton & Company at 10:44 AM

Friday, July 23, 2010

On April 17th, Alex was baptized in Geneva, Switzerland and became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was such a great day shared with family and friends, including Alex's best friend from school that Alex invited. His baptism will be another reason why Switzerland will have a special place in my heart.

Besides the baptism and the confirmation, a highlight for me was Ruby singing a solo. You can listen to the song she sang here. Although she had practiced, when we arrived at the church that morning she was so nervous she told me she wasn't going to do it. Right before it was her turn, she whispered in my ear that she was fine and would go ahead with it. It was so sweet and I wish I had it on tape. Afterward she told me the reason she sang was because she wanted Alex to know that she loved him. Those are words that melt a mother's heart!

Alex with mom and dad
Our family before the baptism
Alex and his best friend Ethan
Alex and Bishop Mongillo
Alex and Tommy
Ruby, Tommy and Alex in front of our church building in Geneva

Tommy and Alex ready to take off their ties and play

the Pete Clayton family
Aunt Charlene, Tommy, Christina, Pete, Henry, Ruby, Alex, Mama Linda and Papa John

Grammy Margie, Christina, Pete, Henry, Ruby, Alex and Papa Jeff
Alex with his Clayton grandparents
Alex with his Alexander grandparents