We boarded our flight with much more confidence than we had two years earlier. With our kids now being seasoned travelers the only worry was how in the world I was going to endure the long flight 32 weeks pregnant. Luckily I had my doctor's note in hand, otherwise I'm not sure they would have even let me on the airplane. I was out of my seat more than Henry and after about a dozen trips to the bathroom in the first 5 hours of the flight, I stopped counting. I'm sure the other passengers were a bit annoyed.
We were lucky to be able to fly in an upgraded class (in between Economy and Business), so we had more room and the seats reclined farther back. That said, none of the kids slept until about 45 minutes before we landed. It was at this point that Ruby and Henry conked out and couldn't be aroused. I can't really blame them seeing as how it was about 9pm Swiss time. Unfortunately, neither one of them was too happy to be woken up in order to deplane. They were both in tears and refused to walk. Pete and I had no choice but to pick them up and carry them along with our carry on bags and theirs. I know angels must have been holding me up because that's the only way my large belly and I could have endured any extra baggage.
When we finally arrived at the passport line Ruby was hysterical. I'm sure we were quite the scene as she cried and screamed to get back on a plane and return to Switzerland. Her tears only served to work Henry up as well and Pete and I were desperately working to calm them both down. After getting our passports stamped we were sniffed out by an airport dog who discovered we had an apple in our bag (whoops!). We were then rejected and sent over to the customs line where we had to send all 10 of our bags and carry-ons through another scanner. We finally made it out to the curb where our favorite driver was waiting to load us up into his gigantic van.
Life has definitely continued for us but we are finding that we are different. I remember when I arrived in Switzerland a friend there told me that when I moved back I wouldn't be the same and I would always miss it. At the time I laughed and told Pete she was crazy. Funny thing is, she was dead on. I am changed, as is our entire family, but it is for the better. We still miss Switzerland...just yesterday Henry was asking me when we could move back there. Even with all of the amazing things here that he has come to love, he still thinks of it as home.
It is with these thoughts that I bring this blog to a close. The whole reason for this blog was to chronicle our adventures in Switzerland. Now it is time to move on. If you'd like to continue following our family, check us out at www.1swissmiss.blogspot.com. I will promise monthly updates on our family with perhaps a little bit more here and there. For the next month I will leave this blog up and then it will become private as I continue working on my blog to book. Thanks for following us on our journey. It was one heck of a ride. In the words of Tolkien:
- The Road goes ever on and on
- Down from the door where it began.
- Now far ahead the Road has gone,
- And I must follow, if I can,
- Pursuing it with eager feet,
- Until it joins some larger way
- Where many paths and errands meet.
- And whither then? I cannot say.