
Posted by Clayton & Company at 12:12 PM

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Over the past few weeks, Ruby has been jabbering around the house in French. Sometimes, when she's done going to the bathroom she calls out "J'ai fini!" Occasionally when Pete calls, she will have a mini-conversation with him en Francais. Especially when she is playing make-believe with her babies she is speaking French to them. The other day I overheard her trying to teach Henry to say "Maman, je veux quelque chose a boire" (Mom, I want something to drink). So imagine our surprise when Pete spoke with her teacher this week and she was concerned because Ruby is not speaking ANY French at school. Hmmmmm.


Jeff and Marge Clayton said...

Ah that little Ruby is a real trickster!!!! She likes to keep everybody guessing what's in that bright mind of hers.

Julie said...

sounds like you've got a stubborn one on your hands. I remember a conversation Spencer had with her on the phone, "So Ruby, do you speak French?" "Yeah, but don't tell my family."