beach+cousins=heaven on earth

Posted by Clayton & Company at 4:23 AM

Monday, November 3, 2008

I am a pool person. My kids have inherited their love of the beach from their dad.

"How can this be? Pete is from Utah while you are from California and you grew up 5 minutes from the ocean," you may ask.

Well besides the fact that the beach is sandy and can be dirty and the ocean is cold and has creatures in it, it sure didn't help that I spent all of my summers in Utah away from the coast.

Nevertheless, the last 4 years that our family spent in California have planted a small seed in my heart for the beach. I will definitely not exagerate and say that I love the beach, but I love to watch my kids at the beach.

James, Max, Tommy, Alex and Charlie

Ruby and Margaux



Julie said...

When I read the title of this post I was like, "What? Christina HATES the beach, what is she talking about? Has she turned a new leaf?" I would give my right foot to have grown up in California by the beach. Crazy girl. And Henry's hair is killing me... too cute

Clayton & Company said...

i don't hate the beach...i just prefer the pool.