It's beginning to look a lot like ...

Posted by Clayton & Company at 5:50 AM

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Since Thanksgiving doesn't get much publicity around here, the Swiss began decorating for Christmas in November. After looking at our calendar and seeing that almost every weekend was already booked -- Venice, Thanksgiving, Ward Christmas party, Swiss Christmas markets, German Christmas Markets -- we decided to use a lazy Saturday to drive into Geneva and check out this amazing 3 story toy store. After all, how can I start using the phrase, "You better be good or Santa won't bring you ___!", if my kids don't know what they would be losing.

The Franz Carl Weber toy store is a lot like FAO Swartz. The prices are outrageous...even for Switzerland. A few examples:
1. Fisher Price tractor and cow- $15 US/$46 here
2. LEGO Star Wars- $18 US/$52 here
3. Baby doll umbrella stroller- $7 US/$33 here

The kids had a good time looking around and making their wish lists. We have since learned that there is a Toys R Us in Lausanne with more reasonable prices and I think we'll probably end up there.