
Posted by Clayton & Company at 6:16 AM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So I'm going to get my license taken away. The irony: I've never even had a ticket...EVER!
Here's the background. It was Wednesday afternoon and the kids had not been getting along for a couple of hours. Desperate to get them out of the house, I woke up Henry from his nap (something I never do) and headed out the door to meet some friends at a park.

It was a park I had never been to and unfortunately it took me on a road I had only driven a couple of times. When we were about 5 minutes into our drive the kids started arguing again. At this point I lost my cool and started lecturing them. I think my exact words were, "I can't believe I am taking you to the park when you are back there fighting. Maybe I should just turn around right now!" The good thing was that they actually quieted down. The bad news: I stopped paying attention to the speed limit and how fast I was driving.

Fast forward 10 days

I opened a letter and, of course, could only guess what it said because it was in French. I had to wait for Pete to confirm that, yes, I had been speeding that day and I needed to go to the police station. Not good. I guess I should mention they have cameras here that take your picture when you are speeding. Then they mail you a ticket that says how fast you were going and how much your fine is. The fact that this notice was asking me to report to a police station did not bode well.

So on Saturday the whole family hopped into the car and headed to the police station. Through my translator Pete, we discovered that I was going 57 and the speed limit was 50. Unfortunately I was going mph instead of kmph. So I was 42 over the posted limit! In Switzerland, if you are driving more than 25 over you will automatically get your license suspended for 1-3 months.....and if that isn't bad enough there is a fine. Possibly to the tune of 2000 Swiss francs. Yes, you read correctly. 2000.

So the nice policeman took down my information(including my children's names and birthdates, how much Pete makes a year, and other information that I think is totally irrelevant to my speeding) and will be sending my report to a judge who will decide my fate and mail me the ruling. He may have pity on me because I am a "stupid" American who has only lived here for 5 months and obviously doesn't know the difference between miles and kilometers. He may soften his heart because I have never had a ticket before....here or in the US. Who knows? All I can do is wait.

Before I end this ridiculously long post, I need to plead my case since I am not given the opportunity to do that here. That fateful day I was not driving as recklessly as it may seem. In Switzerland, when you drive through a town the speed limit is 50. When you leave the town, the speed limit changes to 80. When I finished getting mad at the kids I was about 1/2 mile outside of the last town I had just driven through. I came to the top of a fairly steep hill and assumed that while distracted with the kids I must have already passed the 80 speed limit sign. So I proceeded down only to discover the sign at the bottom of the hill. Had the speed limit been what I thought it was, I would have only been going 12 km over....or 7 miles over! Not to mention I never even had my foot on the gas going down the hill. I was actually braking to keep from going faster.

So last Saturday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. There were a lot of tears on my part and a lot of comforting words on Pete's part. To quote Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation, "Worse? How could things get any worse? We're at the threshold of hell." My sentiments exactly.


Audra Bollard said...

I'm trying to virtually scream at the Swiss police through my computer screen for you. This would SO happen to me if I were in your shoes. I think driving with kids is WAY more distracting than cell phones, eating, putting on make-up or any of the other things you're not supposed to do while driving.

So is there any way you get a professional chauffeur out of this?

The Titmi said...

Um. . .well. . .I am glad you had friends to meet at the park

Julie said...


sorry to laugh but I think its a tiny bit funny. Not the money part though, that sucks! Go to Italy, they actually pulled us over for driving to slow.

Mamalar said...

One of Nate's favorite HoJo songs: "Things can only get better" I don't know if kids fighting is injury to insult or the ticket is..... ouch, pain and agony. love you, lar

McG. said...

They should throw the book at you! Criminal! Speeder!

Jeff and Marge Clayton said...

I hope that your children will still have food to eat when you have to pay that hefty ticket!!! Awesome story though.....