First day of school...Ruby style

Posted by Clayton & Company at 12:56 AM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

One week ago, Ruby had her first day of French preschool. While we were getting ready for school she told me that she was going to walk to school all by herself. I guess I should tell you that Alex walks to school by himself and she thought it would be the same for her. Even though her school is only a 2-3 minute walk, I let her know that we would be going together. She pouted about this for a minute and then informed me that once we got there she was going to walk inside and up the stairs by herself. "I'm not like Henry mom, I can do it by myself." Needless to say, her first day at school was not at all scary for her and the teacher informed me after class that Ruby is a "lovely girl".


Jeff and Marge Clayton said... Ruby!!! I'm not sure I would have ever described Ruby as a lovely girl. Maybe she said "lively girl!" There are so many adjectives that I would use to describe Ruby - independent, strong willed, adorable, beautiful, smart, happy, teaser, sweet, beautiful, playful... and definitely LIVELY!!!

Tami said...

So cute! We miss Ruby.