The official flower of Switzerland?

Posted by Clayton & Company at 10:56 AM

Friday, May 16, 2008

Switzerland is covered with dandelions - they are everywhere. I cannot express how many there really are. If you associate chocolate with Switzerland, I can assure you that the dandelion would be more appropriate.

The highlight of my new dandelion world came at a business lunch last week. When my salad arrived I was was pleased to find a nice mix of leafy greens. After inquiring about one leaf in particular, it was explained that this was "le dent de lion". I thought about that a while and then it hit me, I was paying $15 to eat dandelions.

It became more interesting when I told my colleagues that in the past month we have pulled out over 300 "dent de lion" and taken them to the dump. They were almost offended to learn that we didn't pull them out for cullinary purposes.


The Titmi said...

Dude- I just added Dandelion greens to my spinach smoothies this week. If you don't know about spinach smoothies ask Christina. The last book club she came to we talked about it. Sniff, sniff