yummy yummy

Posted by Clayton & Company at 12:04 PM

Friday, May 2, 2008

One thing the kids have all come to love is Nutella. They eat it on bread and pancakes, but their favorite treat is to have a crepe with Nutella. I am trying to explain to them that eating nutella is like eating a donut. It's fine to have it every now and again, but we don't eat it at every meal.


Kirbell said...

I am a Nutella LOVER. My boys like PB-N sandwiches, other wise know as a candy abr sandwich. Yeah, we don't buy Nutella very often anymore.

Julie said...

what a cheese ball!

Jeff and Marge Clayton said...

Nutella is a food group Christina. You have to have it every day.

Gogo said...

I miss Ruby two shoes...:(

HCJ said...

Nutella is also hazelnut butter. It has more sugar to go along with the chocolate, but it is a step up from frosting. Maybe a notch below peanut butter, but not too far below the PB that is loaded with extra fat. I say this speaking as a family that buys 500g containers of Nutella and finds that it is a great stress food :) Besides, Giada on the Food Network totally advocates grilled nutella sandwiches on ciabatta bread so it has to be nutritious!