Fathers and Sons

Posted by Clayton & Company at 1:08 AM

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Alex was thrilled to find out that even though we live in Swizterland, he could still go with Pete on the fathers and sons campout. Although it was fairly close to the city, compared to last year's adventure on a soccer field in Orange County, they were really "roughing" it. They completed an obstacle course, roasted marshmallows over the fire and read Star Wars by flashlight in their tent. For a moment, Alex might have even forgotten that he was in Switzerland.....until he and Pete ran into this little guy in the parking lot.


Tami said...

A goat?!? Sounds like an exciting campout. My boys were so sad to miss the father/sons campout this year--must be nice to spend time with dad and without mom if only for one night :).