Stealing the spotlight

Posted by Clayton & Company at 4:18 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alex received roller blades for his birthday and he was excited to try them out. On the same day, Ruby decided she was brave enough to forgo her training wheels and join the ranks of the two-wheeler club. With Alex cheering her on, she managed to ride up and down our street on her third try. I'm not sure if I was more proud of her for this milestone or of Alex for the excitement and praise he had for Ruby.

3rd time's the charm

still needing a little help on the turns

The kids' new past times


jessi said...

Congrats to Ruby! You have a great, pretty flat driveway area for her to have learned on. I learned to ride without training wheels when I was a little girl in Germany as well. What a great memory and accomplishment!

Oh, and congrats to Alex on his new skates. I am a rollerblader myself. In Zurich (and Paris) I know that they have "skate nights" where the block off streets downtown for skaters to have the main traffic rights. Perhaps something for Alex to work towards? Let me know if you want more info on that.

Jeff and Marge Clayton said...

WOW! You guys are great!