Four's a crowd

Posted by Clayton & Company at 3:41 AM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

October 13, 2009


Julie said...


The Titmi said...

Yahoo!! What a fertile year!! Can you imagine nursery in 2 years!!

Jeff and Marge Clayton said...

Yeee-ha!!! Is this April Fools? Is that a picture of you in the lower right-hand corner? hmmmmmm.....

Audra Bollard said...

Wow! This is a little hard to believe since your due date is listed right below the date April 1st! I seem to remember a conversation where someone predicted that you'd have a baby in Europe before you came back and you adamantly denying it :)

A huge congratulations to you and your family! I am excited to see another Clayton cutie (maybe a brunette?).

Tami said...

Yay Christina! What a great day to announce such fun news. I was looking for a date on the ultrasound picture to confirm this is no joke. I couldn't find one, but I'll trust this is for real. So congratulations! That was my exact due date with Blake.

Jeff and Marge Clayton said...

I'm still waaaaaaaiting for confirmation on this. C'mon Christina. Will we have to wait and see your belly in London?

Penny said...

I am thinking that you are a "trickster" as Matthew says...and since I just saw you today and you don't look pregnant, I am going to say it is April Fool's...although you were talking about wanting to have another baby before too long....

The Meaniwacs said...

Wow...this looks like strong evidence that it could be real..but it also could be an old ultrasound! I guess only time will tell if it's April Fool's or not!

Kirbell said...

April Fool's? Hee-hee if it is!

Carli said...

Okay, so it says you are 9 weeks and 3 that an old ultrasound? cause I am due October 10 and I am 12 weeks and 4 days this april fools or not? :)

The Titmi said...

I believed you until parkday- All the talk is that you are foolin me- You are the only one that caught me

clarkandjane said...

This is either great news or a great April Fools joke! Either way, way to go!
We can't wait to hear more!!!
Jane and Clark