Day trip

Posted by Clayton & Company at 4:04 AM

Monday, December 21, 2009

A couple Saturdays ago we took a day trip to Lyon, France. Pete and I have both been on our own, but we have never been together as a family. You may remember that Lyon in the second largest city is France and the day we were there it was packed with people. We were also unlucky to have more rain (can you see the pattern here) but we made the most of it anyway. We ate Japanese food, did a little sight seeing, listened to a band and I perused the Christmas markets while Pete let the kids play and ride the carousels. We finished it off with another trip to Subway and listened to Alex and Henry sing Christmas carols most of the way home.

Ruby, Christina, Alex and Henry

Ruby playing the drums with her chopsticks from lunch
Christina and Henry with part of the old town in the background
Alex crossing one of the many bridges in Lyon


Julie said...

wow you guys look really warm. hope you bought those tickets to come kick it with us in the 60 degrees in Athens. :)

Merry Christmas, and I just realized I left a word out on our Christmas card. Bet you guys have had a good time making fun of me for that one.